Let's Talk About The Bristles - Bamboo Switch

Let's Talk About The Bristles

Our goal is to offer high quality products that contribute towards a zero waste life. With our core values (sustainability, honesty, passion) in mind, we developed Bamboo toothbrushes that are aimed to make the world a better place.

Sustainable Eco friendly Bamboo toothbrush

 Although there are other options that might seem slightly more eco-friendly (corn based bristles, boar bristles) at first glance, we deliberately chose to use Nylon 6 as the material for our bristles. Most of you might be wondering why we decided to go with a material that is not yet fully biodegradable. We have done a ton of research and spoke to dental specialists about the best solution to date and 90% of all people recommended Nylon 6.

Nylon bristles are antibacterial, soft (you'll feel the difference on your gums), and long-lasting. Dentists recommend to replace your toothbrush every three months.

We are constantly working on improving our products and reducing even more plastic waste and we will find a 100% biodegradable solution in the near future.
Up until that point we want to offer you the best eco-friendly toothbrushing experience possible. Our packaging and our 100% certified organic Bamboo toothbrush handle are fully biodegradable.

Make the switch today and most importantly, educate others! We are all in the same boat.

Refuse - Reduce - Recycle


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